The Cirrus HD-OCT (also known as Cirrus4000) builds on and refines the retinal imaging technology first introduced with the ZEISS Stratus OCT. Employing the advanced imaging technology of spectral domain optical coherence tomography, Cirrus HD-OCT acquires OCT data about 70 times faster (27,000 vs. 400 A-scans per second) and with better resolution (5 μm vs. ~10 μm axial resolution in tissue), compared to first-generation OCT technology. Cirrus acquires whole cubes of OCT image data, composed of hundreds of line scans, in about the same time as Stratus acquires a six-line scan. You can view these data cubes in three planes, or through three dimensions, giving you access to an extensive amount of retinal image data in one scan.
- Unprecedented Visualization of Anatomical Details
- HD Layer Maps
- HD Enhanced Raster Scan
- Cirrus HD-OCT Scan Engine
- Correlation Between OCT Scan and Fundus Image
- Superior Image Data
- Designed for efficiency
- Small footprint and integrated design are ideal for crowded or busy practice
- 90-degree orientation facilitates observation of patient throughout exam
- Advanced optics aid in the examination of patients with cataracts. Dilation is not required even for pupils as small as 2.5 mm
- Mouse Driven Alignment™ delivers superior image capture and analysis in just a few clicks, resulting in reduced chair time for the patient
- Auto Patient Recall™ assures patient position and instrument setting are repeated from previous visit